
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
OAHN Updates for January, 2016
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
In this short podcast, Dr. Melanie Barham gives updates on what has been happening with the Ontario Animal Health Network over the past month. We aim to provide these short podcasts every month so you can follow OAHN's progress.

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
In this podcast you will learn about sampling methods for swine Influenza as well as receive first hand a swine practitioners point of view on the importance of completing routine swine influenza virus diagnostics for disease surveillance.

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
In this podcast you will learn about swine influenza diagnostic tests that exist and recommendations for laboratory sample submissions.

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
A review of what research projects are currently being conducted at OVC Guelph, Ontario involving swine influenza viruses.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Using Social Media for Continuing Education and Disease Outbreaks
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
-the benefits of using social media for veterinarians,
-how it can actually save time and streamline the continuing education process,
-finding good news information to improve client interactions,
-finding reputable information during an outbreak,
-some important terms to know when using Twitter,
-how to use Twitter,
-resources available

Thursday Sep 10, 2015
Postmortem podcast #5: Top 5 Tips for Submitting Lab Samples
Thursday Sep 10, 2015
Thursday Sep 10, 2015
In the final section of our 5-part postmortem podcast series, Dr. Nick Nation, from the University of Alberta, along with Dr. Maria Spinato, from the Animal Health Laboratory at the University of Guelph, discuss their top tips for submitting samples to a lab. You can access an in-depth write-up and summary on the topic here: http://oahn.ca/resources/general/the-necropsy-in-veterinary-medicine-part-5

Wednesday Aug 26, 2015
Wednesday Aug 26, 2015
In part 4 of our 5-part postmortem podcast series, Dr. Nick Nation, from the University of Alberta, along with Dr. Maria Spinato, from the Animal Health Laboratory at the University of Guelph, discuss placement, incisions, postmortem tips, removing the brain, rabies and toxic plants. You can access an in-depth write-up and summary on the topics here: http://oahn.ca/resources/equine/the-necropsy-in-veterinary-medicine-part-4/

Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
In Part 2 of our 5-part postmortem podcast series, Dr. Nick Nation, from the University of Alberta, outlines the basic priniciples of a postmortem, euthanasia, understanding the changes that take place during postmortem, and tips for opening a carcass. You can access an in-depth write up on the subjects here: http://oahn.ca/resources/equine/the-necropsy-in-veterinary-medicine-part-2/ and a summarized version ready for printing and use in clinic or the vet truck. You must be logged in to the OAHN website as a registered veterinarian in Ontario to access these written summaries.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Photographing lab samples in the field- practical tips for veterinarians
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Do you ever feel like the submission form doesn't quite capture what you need to tell the laboratory? Most laboratories accept digital photos of samples. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a well taken specimen photo can be worth 10,000 words! While photos can't replace your submission data, photos can really help in diagnosing cases. We interviewed Dr. Murray Hazlett, pathologist at the Animal Health Laboratory in Guelph to get some practical information about how to photograph lab samples in the field. Dr. Hazlett gives some very easy to implement tips for veterinarians using digital cameras or smart phones.

Thursday Nov 27, 2014
OAHN Rabies podcast: What do all Ontario veterinarians need to know about rabies?
Thursday Nov 27, 2014
Thursday Nov 27, 2014
This podcast is directed at all veterinarians (large and small animal discussions). Today we interview Dr. Maureen Anderson, DACVIM and lead for rabies at OMAFRA about the hot topic of rabies. We tell you what every vet should know about the new regulations and testing in Ontario, and offer a refresher on rabies as a disease.
· https://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/rabies (includes an excellent Q&A sheet)
· http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/general/facts/info_rabies.htm (includes signs of rabies in livestock)
· http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/horses/facts/info_rabies.htm (slightly older (2001) specific to rabies in horses, but covers other facts as well)
· Worms and Germs Blog (www.wormsandgermsblog.com) includes lots of posts on rabies cases in the media, as well as an info sheet for owners
RVTs interested in more information on the OAVT RRP can call 1-844-872-2437 or email RRP@oavt.org.
Veterinary clinics interested in more information on working with OMAFRA in cases of domestic animal rabies exposure are invited to contact Dr. Maureen Anderson at maureen.e.c.anderson@ontario.ca or Dr. Michelle Brown at michelle.brown@ontario.ca